Financial Statements and Auditor's Reports
2012/2013 Independent Financial Audit 2015/2016 Independent Financial Audit
2013/2014 Independent Financial Audit 2016/2017 Independent Financial Audit
2014/2015 Independent Financial Audit 2017/2018 Independent Financial Audit
2018/2019 Independent Financial Audit 2019/2020 Independent Financial Audit
2020/2021 Independent Financial Audit 2021/2022 Independent Financial Audit
2022/2023 Independent Financial Audit 2023/2024 Independent Financial Audit
Bids for Services and Teacher Resumes
Hartridge Academy is not associated with management companies or education management corporations. We contract licensed and insured professionals for student therapy services, health services, substitutes, independent audits, and janitorial/maintenance/yard services. Bids for services are accepted through May 31 for the following school year . Vendors must present a valid Polk County School Board preapproved badge or document when offering services and when on campus (both by appointment only).
Teacher resumes are accepted all year. Now interviewing for teachers and support personnel including bus drivers.
Hartridge is an Equal Opportunity Employer and uses Trinet, Inc., for its staff leasing needs and Kelly Services for substitutes when a staff member is not available to sub.
Now through May 31, we are accepting quotes for trash pickup services, janitorial services, yard services, security system enhancements, tree removals, fencing, and construction of a covered PE area.
Use of Your Tax Dollars and Other Funds
We are proud to report that NONE of our funding is spent on a management company. 95% -100% of the local, state, and private funds that Hartridge receives stays with the school for use via the board approved annual budget. 5% of most total funding is held at the district level for services for which Hartridge appreciates receiving for the students.
Annual Budget